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World Travel Market, 5th November 2024 (First Year ITM students ONLY)

World Travel Market London logo



Expression of interest for International Tourism Management students to attend the World Travel Market, held in ExCeL London on 5th November 2024 (part of the reading week London trip)


Detailed Description

This is an eStore page for FIRST YEAR International Tourism Management students to register their interest in attending the World Travel Market (WTM) in London on 5th November 2024, held at the ExCeL Centre.

Join us for an unforgettable experience as we head to London during Reading Week for your first BSc (Hons) International Tourism Management field trip!

This is more than just a trip—it's an opportunity to strengthen your connection with your cohort, explore one of the world's most dynamic cities, and dive into the heart of the travel industry by attending the World Travel Market (WTM) – the home of the world’s travel trade.

At WTM, you'll gain exclusive insights into the global travel trade, discover the latest industry trends, and connect with leading professionals from across the world. It’s an invaluable chance to broaden your horizons, build your professional network, and ignite your passion for the tourism industry—all while forging lasting friendships with your fellow students.

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to kickstart your journey in international tourism!

Additional details can be found on the event website here:

This will be an all day event and a part of the Plymouth Business School trip to London in reading week (4th November to 8th November). ITM students will travel up to London Monday 4th November and return to Plymouth Wednesday 6th November.

There is no charge to register your interest for the WTM, but there will be a fee of approximately £65 due for reading week trip itself.

It is first come, first served, so please be quick if you are interested.

Please note: By expressing an interest in this event, you are also expressing an interest in the ITM section of the London trip (i.e. Monday to Wednesday), and to pay the associated fee for this trip.


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