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Adobe Creative Cloud - UoP STUDENTS ONLY




12 months prepaid student subscription for University of Plymouth Students ONLY. Read T&C’s regarding the duration.

Please register using your University of Plymouth email address.  


Detailed Description

This Adobe subscription is exclusively provided at the special
campus educational rate of £43.00 inc. VAT (per seat), payable in
one single upfront payment.
• Your fixed term Adobe Subscription can be used on any
personal device for educational purposes where required.
• This is an educationally priced product, validation of your study
with the University will be required to register your subscription
requiring your UoP email address. You will be unable to register
your account using a personal email account.
• This subscription provides the account with 1TB of cloud
storage that can be accessed during the length of your active
subscription from any personal or campus device available with
Adobe products.
• Your account will be activated on receivership of payment to
your Adobe subscription and will be available to any personal
devices you use. It will run from date of activation until 1st of
September 2025. Or until July, for final-year students*
*This is due to the removal of student accounts upon graduation.
This is an automated process and cannot be changed.
• Please allow up to 48 hours for activation emails to notify you
of access where payments have already been made.
• Once activated, you will receive an email from Adobe confirming
your subscription.
• Your Adobe account will be active between the months of
September to the following September within a fixed term duration,
regardless of date of purchase. Access to the Adobe suite through
this deal will run between the dates of 2nd September 2024 to 1st
September 2025 (July for final year students). This is not a rolling
12-month contract and does not grant full 12-month access from
the point of purchase. Your access will expire by the 1st September
at the latest, regardless of date of purchase, and will require you to
manually renew in line with the latest purchase agreement terms
should you wish to continue to utilise this offer beyond this date.
• Your account will not be automatically renewed, and you must
purchase a new annual fixed-term subscription if you intend to
continue using your account.
• Your subscription access to the Adobe Creative Cloud will expire
upon graduation. This means that your access might be limited to
less than 12 months within the final year of your studies and
access can be restricted as early as July. This is an automated
process and expiry dates cannot be negotiated or guaranteed.
• Prior to conclusion of your fixed term contract subscription, you
will be required to save all files locally prior to July 2025 to ensure
no loss of data/project files. Please note that files stored within the
cloud post this date will not be accessible once the account
• All subscription fees are non-refundable.
• Subscription tariffs & Terms of service are subject to review
and can change annually where required.
• We reserve the right to discontinue this offer at any time. Any
student with an active account purchased through this offer will
have their subscriptions honoured to completion in line with the
Terms and Conditions.

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