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12th Change Agents' Network (CAN) Conference

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Dates of Event
27th May 2025 – 29th May 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
22nd May 2025


The University of Plymouth is proud to be the host of the 12th Change Agents’ Network (CAN) Conference in May 2025, supported by Jisc.
The University has a long-standing history of working with students in our sector leading peer learning initiatives. We are delighted to share and build upon our transformative approach to peer led learning through discussions with students, students’ unions, professional services, academics and university leaders to address the continued need to innovate higher education with students.
This year’s conference theme is ‘The impact of student–staff partnerships on learning in an ever changing higher education environment’ and we welcome contributions from students and staff, new and returning to CAN

The conference will take place over two days: 

Tuesday 27th May - online only and Thursday 29th May - in person only

By clicking to register your attendance for the 12th Change Agents' Network Conference, you provide your consent for the University of Plymouth to use your personal information for the purposes of managing your attendance. 


Attendee CategoryCost   
Staff - 29th May ONLY - in person£100.00

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